3 Natural Health Juices for Better Well-Being

The fast-paced daily living of modern professionals has brought about a lifestyle peppered with sickness and stress. Sadly, this is also an era where high-costs of medication accompany common maladies. Because of this, finding alternative, nature-based solutions for growing health concerns has been rekindled to provide everyone a cheap yet effective way to combat health worries.

In recent years, scientists and health practitioners have turned their focus on the role of anti-oxidants in the warfare with illness. It was found thatpowerful anti-oxidants in the form ofextracts fight free radicals that cause cell abnormalities, Cancers, and premature aging.  Furthermore, these rich juices help boost the immune system, promoting over-all well-being for those afflicted with sickness at a quarter of most medicine’s price.

Noni Juice
Wrought with digestive issues? Need diabetes intervention? Noni, an extract from Morindacitrifoli, helps. Found plenty in the Asia and Australasia,this juice has high mineral concentration (including potassium)that helps repair damaged cells in the body. Traditionally, Noni isused as a digestive agent healing gastric ulcers and abdominal diseases. It has also been used to eradicate parasites, treat infections e.g.yeast, and skin conditions like acne. For women, taking Noni juice also stimulates menstruation.

Goji Juice
Suffering from hormonal problems? Goji will do the trick. Containing nutrients, vitamin C, vitamins B2 and B3, minerals, omega fatty acids, beta carotene, amino acids, and four unique polysaccharides and phyto-nutrients, Goji juice has been used in the treatment of high blood pressure, fever, and diabetes as well. It must also be noted that Goji users have reported its immediate effects in relieving depression and balancing hormones. Better sleep quality, calmness, and happiness are additional effects that taking Gojigives.

Acai Berry
Heard of Acai? Taken from the Brazilian berry Acai, its juice promotes anti-aging, weight loss and the prevention of coronary and oncological disorderscaused by stress. Similar to both Noni and Goji, Acai has amino acids, omega fatty acids, vitamins, protein, carbohydrates, fiber and the antioxidants – Anthocyanins and flavonoids – which reduce the cortisol hormones responsible for inducing stress.  

All three gives you control in protecting and healingyourself. By drinking these berries, you can slow down the aging and disease process. Give anti-oxidant juices a try and see how it will refresh and rejuvenate you!

Vanessa Williams is fascinated with the different kinds of healthy drink with natural cancer cure.

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